Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

SEND Offer

Mortimer Community College seeks to meet the needs of all of our students on an individual basis with consideration for the community of which they are a part. We recognise all of our students as individuals and that it is their entitlement to feel valued, recognised and rewarded.  All of our students will be given the appropriate support and guidance ensuring they achieve their full potential.


Mortimer Community College has clear structures in place to ensure that all students achieve to the best of their ability.  It is our aim for every student to enjoy their time in school whilst making a positive contribution in a happy and safe environment.

Students are organised into year groups managed by non-teaching Heads of Year. Who along with their form tutor have the responsibility to overview each student in their form group including aspects such as performance, behaviour and discipline. In turn the overview of S.E.N. is maintained by the Assistant Headteacher (S.E.N.) and the schools SENCO and SEN team.

Students with learning difficulties may be supported in a number of ways either by in-class support, small teaching sets (still with the possibility of support) or one-to-one via withdrawal from lessons, or through voluntary attendance at lunchtimes or after school sessions.  Students who have low levels of literacy skills are given catch-up lessons in timetabled ‘Basic Skills’ lessons in our Learning Zone.


SENCO: Mrs C Dine

EMAIL: SEND@mortimer.school

TEL: 0191 456 6511
